Dream Wife have released a video for song ‘After The Rain’ taken from their second album ‘So When You Gonna…’ that had debuted in the UK Top 20 album chart.

Vocalist of the London based trio Rakel Mjöll had this to say about the song:

“The song was originally a voice memo I recorded after having a conversation with my sister, she had just discovered she was pregnant, and she didn’t want to go through with the pregnancy. This was happening at the same time as The Human Life Protection Act/Alabama Abortion Ban last May. Going through these multiple waves of community shame, anger at these systems imposed by the patriarchy to own women bodies, lack of trust and feeling disconnected from your own body. And not being able to articulate those feelings.”

The video was created in collaboration with director Helga Katrínardóttir. The band explain the concept:

“We have used water in both the song and video to symbolize and explore the singular yet collective experience of abortion. Water is the fundamental for all life. We are 75% water. Water is all and all pain is shared pain. It is our choice to craft the narratives of our own lives and fight the restrictions put on us by a society attempting to control our bodies. It’s feeling all the feelings and knowing that the storm will pass.”

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