Tune-Yards have released new song ‘Nowhere, man’ alongside a video that takes Chaplin-esque footage shot in Merrill Garbus and Nate Brenner’s garage during quarantine.

Speaking about the video, Garbus says:

“The song and the video for ‘nowhere, man’ were created under conditions of feeling squeezed and pushed to the brink – relatively, of course. I wanted to ask, ‘How loudly do I have to shout and sing before I’m heard?’ And the video asks, too, ‘What am I not hearing?’ We hope the music brings energy and a strong wind of encouragement to those who are shouting and singing loudly for justice right now.”

The song is the first from Tune-Yards since 4th album ‘I can feel you creep into my private life’ was released in 2018.

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