Deap Vally


Deap Vally from California make abrasive rock music, combining the riffs of Arctic Monkeys’ humbug days with vocals not unlike those of Alabama Shakes. Their songs are instantaneous, with catchy choruses smacked right up against razor teeth sharp guitar shredding.

Just three songs in, Lindsey Troy the lead singer, quips ‘It’s hot in here – tropical even’ and the sweat pouring, and I mean pouring, from her face really matches that sentiment. Tonight it really is a melting pot of a venue, but the sharp guitar and energy of this trio from their debut record Sistrionix do justice in knocking some of the sweat from us.

There is, however, a recognisable surge in quality when the duo play ‘Smile More’ from their soon to be released new record Femejism. While the volume is parred down, the affect of the song is much more intense as the lead singer opts for a quieter vocal with stream of consciousness lyrics not unlike Australian Indie dreamboat Courtney Barnett. ‘I’m not ashamed of my rage’ she snarls before dismissing the idea of smiling more, clearly unhappy until more process with gender equality takes place. At one point she even screams impatiently ‘Get me to the next section.’

The next two songs from Femijism don’t drop the quality any, with the first one fractured with more dramatic pauses than their earlier stuff and the second ‘Teenage Cry’, the best song of the night, benefiting from bluesy swagger and a quality that is so instant. I exhale in admiration as it climaxes.

‘Did It Because I Wanna’, also from Femijism, manages to surprise even further with an immersive quality I would originally never compare with the once ‘crash bang wallop’ Deap Vally. By the time lead single and foot stomper ‘Royal Jelly’ arrives it is just too hot for it to even register, both band and audience alike look like they can no longer cope.

The whole audience, however, stay right to the end but while Deap Valley are incredibly good, nothing, just nothing, will beat the feeling of leaving the building and feeling the cold air on our skin. Thank God.

Deap Vally  Official | Facebook | Twitter

Hi all, my name is Paddy and I have a love for everything from African music to indie to house (basically anything other than heavy metal). Gigging and listening to albums are genuinely the things I most value and love doing.