Austin Getz, vocalist and guitarist of Virginia Beach darlings Turnover, demystifies ‘Super Natural’, the first cut from the band’s third studio album ‘Good Nature’, by describing a meditative, yet colossal love as influencing the weightless cut. Getz paints scenes that speak to the indescribable qualities that can be found in the meeting of memory and fantasy, and how the in-between captures romance in a “pretty shade”. Tri-coloured guitar lines act as arching palm leaves – meeting over a water-coloured vista, and where ‘Peripheral Vision’ swelled with nocturnal thinking, distance and detachment planted firmly in the album’s jaws, ‘Super Natural’ acts as a celebration of the internal – ecstasy held tightly in the song’s arms. Often, our brushes with freedom are ephemeral, but for Getz, the lighting falling over his new-found religion at sun down – a week spent in California, gifts an immunity to any kind of cage.

‘Good Nature’ is due out 25th August 2017 via Run For Cover Records, pre-order now via Bandcamp

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Music Journalism student and lover of all things sensory and cosmic.