The hypnotic-psych duo of Ripley Johnson (Wooden Ships) and Sanae Yamada, MOON DUO, return to the UK next week for a London show & performance at Latitude’s i-Arena stage on Sunday. They have also return for a string of dates around appearances at Green Man & Beacons Festivals next month.

To celebrate the news, have a listen to  ‘High Over Blue’, a 20-minute opus which was previously only available as an iTunes bonus track.

Last year Moon Duo released their follow-up to the critically acclaimed ‘Mazes’ with the equally stellar (but differently shaped), ‘Circles’ – inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson’s 1841 essay of the same name, on the symbol and nature of “the flying perfect.”

Moon Duo | Souterrain Transmissions

 See Moon Duo live:


17th London, The Dome

21st Latitude festival


16th Greenman Festival

17th Manchester, Deaf Institute

18th Skipton, Beacons Festival

19th Newcastle, The Cluny

20th Brighton, The Haunt