From time to time, one of our contributors will recommend an artist/band they think deserves  your attention. No record labels, PR companies, bands or band’s management will ever have made these recommendations. It is simply one music fan putting their taste on the line in the hope of sharing good music. The questions are intended to give just a basic introduction to possibly your new favourite artist/band.

So without further ado, let’s crack on with another introduction, in which Silent Radio’s John Platt recommends Treasureseason for your audible delectation.



Who are ya?

Dave and Jess. We make up the Treasureseason duo 🙂

Where are you from?
Sussex and Cambridge originally but we both met at the same university; UEA, in Norwich.

How long have you been doing what you’re doing now?
Been working together for just over a year now. We have both been writing music for longer though.

Is being a musician your full time job?
We wish it was, hopefully in the future! We work full time otherwise.

Are there any obvious influences in your music?
We get compared to a lot of different music which I don’t mind as it’s often very good. I guess aesthetically around the late 80s. We like a lot of synth pop bands, so a mixture of old and new.

Are there any not so obvious influences in your music?

Hmmm not sure… maybe some hip hop elements in our beats. If there are any not so obvious influences they must be alluding us!

Any musical Guilty Pleasures? Come on you can share, we’re all friends here!
Erm for me you can’t beat a bit of early 00’s pop. Sean Paul was big back then.

Apart from yourself of course, what other band/artist would you recommend our readers check out?
Check out Alma Elste, her new track is so good. A real ‘Heart Melter’.

Tell us about the defining moment when you thought ‘Fuck, yes I want to be a musician!’
For me, Dave, it was living in San Francisco and making friends who had success and I realised it wasn’t hard, I just needed direction and dedication.

As for me, Jess, I just love that feeling that you get when you sit down at a piano and write – like the current world doesn’t matter and you’re in another one. Also performing, especially playing drums makes me as happy as a giant kid – ever since I won smiliest band member in my year 7 production!

Does what go on, on tour, stay on tour?
Depends if there is photographic evidence. One time after a gig, we were doing shots in London to Elton John’s ‘Are You Ready for Love’ – substitute ‘love’ for ‘shots’ and you’re on to a winner.

What’s your most favourite gig (as a gig goer)?

For me Jess, it was seeing one of my friend’s (Sam Smith) play Thekla after he’d just released his debut EP. I’ve known Sam for quite a while and his success has been so well deserved. The gig for me was just so nice to see everyone seeing his talent and appreciating it too! He is an incredible artist 🙂

As for Dave I couldn’t say, most memorable could be seeing Radiohead in Victoria Park for the In Rainbows tour as I had been wanting to see them for so long and it was everything I had hoped for. Otherwise I prefer smaller gigs now.

Who, in your wildest dreams would you like to collaborate with/be produced by?
I think collabing with someone really different would be great, like someone with a totally different vision. Someone like D’Angelo would be amazing.

Best place for people to find out what you are up to? or

Anything to declare?

Our Julep EP is out now.