Over the past few weeks we’ve been working with ReverbNation to offer independent artists the opportunity to introduce themselves. With over a thousand applications and counting, we’re pleased to give Alto Key the floor today.

Alto Key

Who are ya?
Hey! I’m Alto Key. I’m a London-based artist who makes indie/alternative music which isn’t too heavy. Sort of like orchestral pop? Is that a thing? Anyway, I would also describe myself as a TikToker as I have over 200K followers and 3M likes on there. I am a musician first, content creator second!

Where are you from?
I’m originally from Kent which, for you International folks, is basically in the bottom right of the UK. I then moved to Bath for a few years before honing in on London to complete my journey to become ultimate city boy.

How long have you been doing what you’re doing now?
I’ve been making music for at least 10 years, but only publicly posting things across social media since 2018. A lot has happened in 2 years, but I still have a long way to go!

Is being a musician your full time job?
Not currently – I do coding things as my full time job! But when musicians, fans or people in the biz ask me what I do, I say I’m a musician to not be too confusing.

Are there any obvious influences in your music?
Well I would say Coldplay is probably my biggest influence but I also like listening to Bon Iver, Novo Amor, Radiohead, Sleeping At Last – to be honest the list is forever changing!

Are there any not so obvious influences in your music?
I’m a simple man in that I mostly listen to the kinds of music that would influence me! Thinking about it though, I guess I grew up with a lot of music through my dad’s interests such as Fleetwood Mac and The Beach Boys which subconsciously all play a part in my own songwriting.

Any musical Guilty Pleasures? Come on you can share, we’re all friends here!
It’s not uncommon that I might have a Disney film soundtrack on in the background. Any Tarzan fans anyone? Love Phil Collins on that.

Apart from yourself of course, what other band/artist would you recommend our readers check out?
I work regularly with Andrew Joslyn who is an outstanding strings player / composer / music machine. Ooo and this kinda changes all the time based on my mood, but I really love the song ‘Where’s My Love’ by SYML which you should totally check out.

Alto Key - Distant Love Artwork

Tell us about the defining moment when you thought ‘Fuck, yes I want to be a musician!’
It kinda just happened over time honestly, but I do remember one moment that made me want to sing! I had never tried singing before and thought I’d do an exaggerated impression of John Denver at the dinner table. My sister told me that it sounded pretty good so I was kind of like “okay, maybe I should try more of this.” Very random that I remember that one specific thing but there we go.

Does what go on, on tour, stay on tour?
Well I’m just an online artist at the moment so my “touring ground” is my flat. But what I can say is this – what happens in my flat, stays in my flat. Okay, that sounds weird – next question!

What’s your favourite gig as a gig goer?
I haven’t actually been to a huge number of gigs (and obviously this outbreak hasn’t helped that). That said, Coldplay really are the masters of a massive live show.

Who, in your wildest dreams would you like to collaborate with/be produced by?
I’d be interested in working with FINNEAS as I find his work with Billie Eilish pretty interesting from a production point of view. I’d love to see how one of the more ambient bands I listen to such as Bon Iver or Novo Amor piece together their music – I’ll make a few calls – tell them the big AK is in town (AK for Alto Key).

Best place for people to find out what you are up to?
That would probably be my Instagram to see behind the scenes and keep in touch! That said, I’m on all the major social media platforms – just search “Alto Key” or “altokeymusic” and you’ll find me!

Anything to declare?
I recently released my latest single ‘Distant Love’ across all streaming platforms and I’m working hard to release more music as always!

 Alto Key Official | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok