In the current state of humanity, we are sectioned off for the greater good. This greater good must be self-inflicted. Being a man of zero ‘coolness’, I’m always home. So, listening to music and avoid people (government issue by the way), I am a black belt. Thankfully, Eye Flys have unleashed ‘Tub of Lard’ for an easy afternoon in my flat and my head.

This is an easy one to discuss. It’s heavy. Not the so-called ‘Br00tul’ metal that ‘dem upbeat kids’ call today because they do a ‘beatdown’ every 4 bars. Nope, this is plain to the point, in your face, ugly, loud, weighted heavy metal. Very much reminds me of ‘Unsane’ and ‘16’. It’s sludge to that degree, it’s fast paced, but not thrash riffing. It is ten songs in 25 minutes. ‘Tub of Lard’ can make you smell the beer, the heat in that 200-300 people venue and for the next 30 minutes, a good headbanging time will be had by all. Other than that, those who prefer to try break the person next to them, in the name of fun.

The album clearly deals with issues of this day and age. Mostly focusing on how people are put down, bullied and beaten. Unfortunately, we still have those problems. When those don’t understand, don’t want to understand and choose to break the spirit of others in their view of social acceptance. ‘Tub of Lard’ and album opener ‘Tubba Lard’ is very much aimed at those who body shame others. From the playground to the workplace. Sometimes, you just need to tell them to get fucked! With that, Eye Flys fully support you.

Well I can wrap this up easily. It’s a good slab of heavy-duty booty to enjoy and it’ll be over before you know it, you can just press play again. Hey, that sounds like a good idea.

Eye Flys: Tub Of Lard – Out Now (Thrill Jockey Records)
