There are two major factors about Body Count you may already know. If not, then I will enlighten you and draw your interest. Body Count are fronted by legendary rapper Ice-T and on their debut release, their infamy was born with a song called ‘Cop killer’.

Though they’ve been in existence for three decades, they’ve seen the most success in the latter stage of their career. With the release of ‘Manslaughter’ in 2014, ‘Bloodlust’ in 2016 and now we have ‘Carnivore’ in 2020.

The album title refers to Ice-T’s view on the world that ‘everyone’s so pussy right now, so we’re carnivores’ that this album is just a kick ass album, because carnivores also kick ass. Well this album pretty much continues from their resurgence. Though they never went away, Body Count did not have the presence they have gained now, earlier in the 21st century. This is solid, because it’s exactly what it should be. Its loud, it’s heavy and Ice-T has become a legendary figure. He is the rap-gangsta-real-fuckin-deal and clearly Body Count has been reborn and steered from the passion the man has, moving forward and rising the bands status with consistent touring and hard-hitting live performances. With a cover of ‘Ace of Spades’ to pay homage to Lemmy of Motorhead, continuing the tradition of covering a band that is respected by Ice-T and Body Count (previous covers include ‘Institutionalized’ by Suicidal Tendencies and ‘Raining Blood/Post mortem’ by Slayer), you are getting a fine addition and despite it may not be breaking into a wider creativity, it’s playing it safe by offering what works best. Highlights for a future moshpit consist of ‘Bum-Rush’, ‘No Remorse’ and ‘Thee Critical Beatdown’ are just battery. Ice-T knows what he needs to make. It’s real and to the point and does everything a hellraising album needs to do, in under 40 minutes. Body Count racks up the belters and if you need some solid heavy metal, go become a carnivore.

Bodycount: Carnivore – Out Now (Century Media)

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