From time to time, one of our contributors will recommend an artist/band they think deserves  your attention. No record labels, PR companies, bands or band’s management will ever have made these recommendations. It is simply one music fan putting their taste on the line in the hope of sharing good music. The questions are intended to give just a basic introduction to possibly your new favourite artist/band.

So without further ado, let’s crack on with another introduction, in which Silent Radio Editor Simon Poole recommends Guerilla Toss for your audible delectation.


  • Guerilla Toss

    Who are you?

We are Guerilla Toss! (Kassie Carlson)

  • Where do you come from?

Born and raised in Boston, now crawling out of the East River of New York City.

  • How long have you been doing what you’re doing now?

Guerilla Toss has been a band now for about 4 years. I can’t believe how fast time has flown.

  • Is musician your full-time job?

In a sense yes, but that would mean that I work two full-time jobs most of the time. GTOSS definitely overshadows and controls my whole life, in a good way mostly, but we all have weird random transient jobs that are completely necessary.

  • Are there any obvious influences in your music?

Most of the people in the band are trained in Jazz and Contemporary Improvisation, so there is surely a deep influence there. Lots of funk and jam band culture leaks over into the writing process. Contemporary and Existentialist literature bleeds colors with the lyrics often. I suppose the band drinks influence from many different sources.

  • Are there any not so obvious influences in your music?

In the van, The Grateful Dead is always in rotation. Also have been heavy on the Lee “Scratch” Perry stuff lately.

  • Any musical guilty pleasures?

There are a couple Phish-heads in the band. We have all been to see Phish at one point or another. I think Peter is going to do the whole summer tour this year.

  • What other band or artist would you recommend readers to check out?

Definitely our friends in the band PC Worship. The music is heady, heavy, complex, moody and very well done. They have always been my favorite group of people in New York City. The people from the bands Sediment Club and Palberta also are always cooking up good shit both in bands and individually as people. It is super inspiring.

As far as labels go, a few that I would like readers to check out is NNA Tapes from Vermont and Feeding Tube Records. Those folks are always putting out great music and are always so sweet to everyone I know.

  • Defining moment musically?

Probably when I was a little girl playing violin in the orchestra and I heard everything swirling around me and fitting together for the first time.

  • Guerilla Toss

    Does what goes on tour, stay on tour?

Everyone in the band has spent an immense amount of time together, so I guess not many people know each individual in the band like we know each other.

  • What is your most favourite gig as a gig goer?

Two shows I went to recently that were really fantastic were for Container and Ed Askew. I guess these guys are on two totally different ends of the spectrum. Container is more of a techno beat oriented dance-forever-into-the-night type of deal. He entrances audiences.

Ed Askew is an older gentleman folk singer that I saw recently that completely captivated the whole audience for over an hour. I had listened to his album “Ask a Unicorn” over and over before bed a few years ago so it really resonated with me. The way he was swinging and swaying to the music, singing so soulfully was super powerful.

  • Who in your wildest dreams would you like to collaborate with?

Probably Meredith Monk I would say first. She often combines really utterly beautiful, unique style of singing, with dance and film similar to that of Phillip Glass and Steve Reich ensembles. Although similar, her works are unlike any other, in atmospheric complexity or haunting long-lasting impact.

Others would include Laurie Anderson of course, and someday Peter is going to play drums with Phish, alongside Fishman.

  • Best place for people to find out what you are up to?

Evil Facebook I suppose but I think sooner or later that is going to move out of phase. We have been trying our best to get on the Instagram and Twitter train, but are not always so good at it. The best place to get in touch, really, is in real life.

  • Anything to declare?

I want to see more girls, female bodied people and just general people out playing music and in the audience! It’s lonely out there! The ratio of male to not male is totally staggering. Looking for variety! Let’s hang!  It can feel weird being different, so support your friends! All of them!

Guerilla Toss’ new album Eraser Stargazer is out on DFA Records. Pick it up from iTunes here or Bandcamp here.

Eraser Stargazer by Guerilla Toss