When two best friends start a band, songs get filled with inside jokes. Known as Gurr, Andreya Casablanca and Laura Lee met in an American Studies class in Berlin, and after spending time in the US together, the US West coast sound became an influence on their music, with them also drawing from a wide set of pop culture references and personal experiences for their debut album. They call their sound ‘First Wave Gurrlcore’, and with a slight and acknowledging nod to riot girl culture, they pair straightforward garage rock tunes with more psychedelic and wave elements. Their debut full-length album, In My Head, released last October, took the listener on a journey of Andreya and Laura’s friendship, their life, and a step further into their own world. Catch their latest release and video for ‘#1985’ below. They’re also touring this month, with Gurr coming to Manchester – check them out.
Andreya Casablanca of Gurr said of the song: “#1985 is supposed to be the Sex Beat song on the album. Laura was listening to Gun Club a lot when we recorded the album so that influenced the bass and drum recordings. The song is inspired by a lot of the characters we see in Berlin’s nightlife people who live in this fantasy Rock’n’Roll world and use a lot of ridiculous hashtags The video stars our good friend and artist Andi He’s a great artist who studies at UdK Berlin who developed this fun instagram and snapchat persona where he pretends to be someone he’s not. We feel like right now, as an artist or musician, your image on social media is almost as important as your actual work. So the video is really about this struggle – and making fun of our obsession with social media as well.”
Tue 28th March Boston Music Room, London, UK
Wed 29th March Gullivers, Manchester, UK
Thur 30th March The Louisiana, Bristol, UK
Fri 7th April Motel Mozaique Festival, Netherlands
Sat 8th April Zwolle, Hedon, Netherlands
Thur 18th May at The Great Escape Festival, Brighton, UK
For tickets click here.
Gurr Facebook | Twitter | Instagram