We have had some incredible rock albums released this year. None of them, however, are like what Cobra Spell have conjured up on their debut album ‘666.’ This is the most 80s influenced album you will hear in 2023. It is full of life and energy, as well as sexual lyrics that are synonymous with the genre. These are all things that are expected from a sleaze rock album. However, this record also offers some fantastic musicianship seeing as how some of the members have joined Cobra Spell from more established bands like Crypta. In a sleaze rock album, face-melting guitar solos and intricate vocal lines are expected. This is the case with ‘666’ as this album features some fantastic vocals from Kristina Vega as well as some incredible guitar-work by Sonia Anubis and Noelle Dos Anjos.

The album starts out with ‘666.’ The title track is merely an instrumental introduction into the first song ‘S.E.X.’ which gets the party atmosphere going right from the opening riff, and once the chorus kick in, you instantly want to chant along with vocalist Kristina Vega. Proving that Cobra Spell are more than capable of writing catchy choruses. Something that sleaze rock has a reputation for.

After the second full length song, ‘Satan Is A Woman,’ there is another short instrumental track called ‘Hotline 666’ which is a mere waste, as I believe the band could have swapped both instrumental tracks for another song, since these transitions simply do not fit in with the overall pace of this album.

‘Bad Girl Crew’ is a catchy song which leads into possibly the best track on the entire record. ‘The Devil Inside of Me’ is an absolute monster. The chorus sounds massive, and the guitar-work is absolutely incredible. The guitar solo is one of the best I have heard this year, and every aspect of the song, from the guitars to the vocals, to the galloping drum pattern truly connect with each other making this song the true standout of the album.

‘Fly Away’ is a decent attempt at a ballad, but it lacks passion, with the only saving grace being the guitar harmonies at the end of the song. However, with the third single, ‘Warrior from Hell,’ the album picks up the pace once again. This song has another standout chorus, and impeccable musicianship from Sonia Anubis and rhythm guitarist Noelle Dos Anjos.

‘High On Love’ closes the record with the same amount of energy it started out with. Creating a sense of closure and completion to the album, which is exactly what I look for in an album closer.

Overall, ‘666’ by Cobra Spell is a phenomenal album. Each track is very similar in terms of speed and rhythm, but there are some very well written vocal harmonies and melodies as well as some fabulous guitar solos. This would lead the listener into thinking that there is meant to be some form of variety on this album. With only one ballad though, I do not believe that this is a very varied album. However, the faster paced tracks are fantastic, and demand the listener’s attention. With ‘666’ being Cobra Spell’s very first full-length release, it is clear that they have potential. However, we will need to wait until album number two to really see if they can fulfil that potential.

Cobra Spell: 666 – Out 1st December 2023 (Napalm Records)

SPELL – S.E.X. (Official Video) | Napalm Records – YouTube