Monotony is the ‘evil twin’ of DIY crusaders Sauna Youth (Jen, Rich, Chris, and Lindsay forming both bands). Limited to 300 copies, this 12″ is delightful in its shouty A to B delivery, providing post-punk goods. Boasting a scuzzier sound compared to the SY side of the yin-yang of the two bands, this recording has immediate dirge on the guitar sound. The title track sharing the title of both the release and band, ‘Monotony’ serves as an intro in case there were any doubts still lingering. The chorus refrain just repeats the word “monotony” perhaps once or twice too many times, but that’s the point isn’t it? As if to further prove this, the 140g black vinyl plays all six songs on one side, and then again on the flip side.

There’s no stop/start characteristic like you hear in so many other releases at the moment. Instead, the London four-piece carry each track with fuzzy bass and guitar feedback (‘Back To The Castle’, ‘No Peace’), which is replaced with fast drumming on the final track ‘Wrong’. There’s a healthy amount of self-awareness in ‘Monotony II’ – a song that perhaps doesn’t sit so well with the aesthetic of the rest – where in contrast everything is a lot slower and the vocals take centre stage for the most part. I’d advise against going into this expecting more Sauna Youth, it isn’t the same at all. On it’s own though, it stands tall as an instant 15 minute jaunt, recorded with Mark Jasper at Sound Savers. An admirable teaser.

The album can be purchased on vinyl through the label, Faux Discx (there’s a load of wonders in their shop, including some sale stuff to be hauled!). It was previously a digital download and cassette release with Comfortable on a Tightrope.

Release Date 14/08/2015 (Faux Discs)

Monotony Official Facebook Twitter Soundcloud

MONOTONY by Monotony

Hi, my name is Zach Roddis, I love the attitude and ideas presented in the diy scene/s across the UK (and beyond). I blog about the bands, gigs, and labels that are doing interesting things that you won't find elsewhere (click on DIY Narratives on the top menu).