I’ve been doing some calculating and can confirm that its been 10 years since I’d fallen for the fuzzy blues rock stylings of Archie Bronson Outfit. I first saw them in Wolverhampton, as an impressionable 15 year old supporting The Black Keys. Oh how time flies! So I’m definitely excited to catch the band for only my second time tonight as they play The Ruby Lounge. The show tonight comes as part of a UK tour in support of their fantastic fourth LP Wild Crush which is released today.

Support comes from Theo Verney, a young songwriter and guitarist from the UK who backed with a simplistic bass and drums set up makes a sprightly psychedelic racket with classic rock tendencies. He released an EP last year in which its title track ‘Heavy Sunn’ is tonight’s highlight mainly thanks to its planet sized riff. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more of Theo in the future.

As Theo and his band pack up, the room begins to fill with a real mix of people, without trying to judge books by their cover, I’m intrigued to see if these people are ready wig out and get into ABO’s hypnotic grooves like others do. As a smoke machine plasters the stage with atmospheric smoke, the Archie Bronson Outfit graciously walk on state ripping into the storming opening track from the new record, Two Doves On A Lake.  Big retro disco lights pulse next to the bands instruments, and newest member Kristian impressively plays bass and keys at the same time, playing with his feet no less, it’s a strong start!

The band play a real mix of tracks new and old, obviously there’s a nice chunk of the new album, the more rocking tracks of which such as ‘We Are Floating’ and ‘Cluster Up & Hover’ sound huge in all their rock and roll swagger. Tonight’s main focus however seems to be of their second LP Derang Derang, in which the crowd go mental for. I’m so surprised on how rowdy and up for it the crowd are for a Monday night, people are literary loosing their minds over tracks like ‘Cherry Lips’ and ‘Got To Get (Your Eyes)’, which I don’t blame them as I’d forgotten how many big tunes feature on that record.

The band still play as intensely as they did 10 years ago with almost menacing looks of conviction as they blast through their psychedelic brand of blues soaked rock. Although I’m a little disappointed there was nothing from their debut album tonight, the set tonight is still packed with hits and atmospheric energy that certainty gets the crowd riled up, theres one guy who looks like the grooves have literately  taken over his body.

All in all, a great set and weird yet wonderful evening with Britain’s coolest and best kept secret.

Archie Bronson Outfit  Official | Facebook | Youtube


I joined the Silent Radio family near the very start of my move to Manchester in 2012 and I'm still having the best time! During my stay here I've been in two noisy bands, had a not so noisy solo project, made a zine, started a blog and started a radio show. It's been productive to say the least and it's all been intersperse with a shit load of gig going and beer drinking. I would love it if you followed me on twitter @dr_brainless for excitable tweets about playing, watching and living new music.